Pharmacist Tenille Davis officially started in her new role as APC’s chief advocacy officer...
Cunningham to join APC as public policy director
It’s been a long time coming, but APC is happy to introduce our new director of public policy: Savannah Cunningham of Myrtle Beach, S.C.
She’ll be responsible for building APC’s relationships and cementing our credibility with state boards of pharmacy and state pharmacy associations (she’s a former employee of the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations), as well as supporting our advocacy team in its federal advocacy efforts.
“We’re delighted to have Savannah coming aboard,” said APC CEO Scott Brunner, CAE. “Her job will be to assert APC’s influence whenever and wherever compounding policy is being proposed, particularly at the state level. She’ll also provide much needed support for our governmental affairs counsel David Pore.”
A pharmacist and graduate of Mercer College of Pharmacy, Savannah’s interests have always been in pharmacy policy rather than practice — she’s amassed a wealth of experience with state and national pharmacy associations, and is an active leader in NCPA, the Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, and the Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society. Her first day at APC will be June 6.
The director of public policy position is funded for the next three years through the vision and generosity of a small group of APC members. We thank them for their leadership.