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HealNow is APC’s preferred online payments platform
APC is pleased to announce our new affinity relationship with HealNow — our preferred online payments platform for compounding pharmacies.
HealNow allows consumers to engage with their pharmacy online: to make co-payments, schedule delivery, purchase OTC items/supplements, and get answers to clinical (and non-clinical) questions, all in one easy swoop from any device. And thanks to this new relationship, APC members will be able to save money when using HealNow.
HealNow lets you offer your patients and customers the kinds of online services that CVS, PillPack, and other digital pharmacies offer theirs.
It makes the move to full-service digital a lot easier. HealNow does all the heavy lifting — pharmacies don’t need to pay thousands of dollars to a third-party credentialing organization or spend months finding a payment processor that accepts online payments. With HealNow, your pharmacy can accept online payments in hours.
Check out what going all-in with digital can do for your pharmacy, and how HealNow can make it happen: And when you sign up, be sure to tell them you’re an APC member!