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Media campaign now only $325,000 short

On Wednesday, Medisca’s dollar-for-dollar cBHT campaign contribution match ended, raising $113,545 before Medisca’s doubling (up to $100,000) — including more than $45,000 on Wednesday alone. Wow.

That puts us only about $325,000 short of our final goal of $1.5 million. We cannot thank Medisca enough for this effort — it made a big difference in just a short time.

And thank you to the more than 200 folks who have contributed to the campaign — especially those who who gave $500 or more — we are grateful for your investment.

That said, we've got something new to share:

APC has commissioned a marketing video that we think does a great job elevating your profession, and could even help grow your compounding practice. They are designed to be customizable for individual businesses.

Click below for an example; I think you’ll be impressed:

Here’s the deal: Every donor to the cBHT media campaign who gives $5,000 or more can receive a customized version of both the 30- and 60-second versions of the video FREE OF CHARGE. It will include your business’s name, logo, and contact information.

Use that video as a local TV commercial to promote your business. Run it on a monitor in your pharmacy. Share it on social media.

BUT you have to hurry: This offer is only good until APC raises the last $325,000 needed to hit that $1.5 million goal.