1. Read (and share) the Berkeley white paper We knew the NASEM report on compounded hormones was...
Halfway home (and a long way to go)
First: We’re only about two weeks away from the release of the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation’s third-party, independent analysis of the NASEM cBHT report. The PCF analysis is expected to serve as a much-needed counterweight to the FDA-manipulated NASEM report and should provide a more objective view of compounded hormone therapy. At the proper time, we’ll be asking for your help in using it to educate policymakers about compounded hormones, so stay tuned.
Next: APC’s much-awaited cBHT media campaign — through which we aim to show the human face of compounded hormone therapy — is also set to launch in early April. Finishing touches are being put on the landing page, digital ads, and materials we’ll be providing to compounders like you to inform patients and prescribers about the effort. It’s going to be great (if we do say so ourselves), and we can’t wait to show it to you.
But then: There’s the matter of funding it all. As the headline above says, we’re halfway home: We’ve raised just north of $800,000 of the needed $1.5 million to fund the media campaign, and most of that has come thanks to about 140 individual compounders like you. But there’s a long way to go to get to the goal, and if we don’t accomplish it in the next 75 days or so, we’ll be unable to afford the digital ad placements that are the crux of the campaign.
Yes, we are beginning outreach to vendors and institutions to ask for their financial support. But we also ask that you consider a monthly investment in the campaign of $250 or $500 or even $1,000 to help us achieve the goal. Think about the impact on your compounding business that the loss of cBHT would wreak — and then give to this campaign in proportion to that threat. Consider committing just ONE PERCENT of the revenue you’ll receive from cBHT this year. You can do that at A4PC.org/cbhtcampaign.
One more thing: Here’s a cBHT campaign fundraising piece you can share with vendors and prescribers you work with to urge them to invest in the effort.
Like we said, we’re halfway home, and that’s great. We’re counting on you to help us go the rest of the way.