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A giant has fallen

With the passing of Dr. Loyd V. Allen, Jr., PhD, this week, our profession lost a giant.

No hyperbole here: His passion for and influence over the ethical practice of pharmacy compounding is simply unequalled. 

If you are a long-time compounder, he is surely known to you. If you are newer to our profession and he is not known to you, he should be. Read his full obituary here, but here’s the gist:

A visionary leader, Dr. Loyd Allen revolutionized the field of pharmaceutical compounding, spearheading groundbreaking research and innovation. His contributions extended far beyond the classroom, as he served as a consultant to compounding pharmacists and the pharmaceutical industry. His scholarly output included over 100 experimental publications, 30 books, chapters, and monographs, and the award-winning Editor-in Chief of the 22nd edition of Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy.

And that’s not half of it. A couple of other bits worth mention: He was also the long-time editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Pharmacy Compounding. A longtime supporter of IACP and APC as well, three years ago he led our work group that revitalized and rebooted APC’s Compounder Code of Ethics. That document is a direct reflection of Allen’s own ethic and participation in his profession.

What a loss his death is – but what a life of service.

Dr. Allen was a man of faith. One couldn’t read his weekly Compounding Today e-newsletter without picking up on that fact (well that, and that he loved Burma Shavesigns). He lived a life of humble work in and to the communities he was a part of. His efforts to instill competence, care, and integrity in the practice of pharmacy compounding will continue to benefit patients for years to come. For all these reasons, allow me to borrow a bit of Christian scripture here and say: Well done, good and faithful servant.

To his family we extend our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace.

— Joe


Joseph P. Navarra, RPh, FACA, FAPC is the owner of Town Total Compounding Center in Woodbury, New York. You can reach him at