In my final column as your board chair, our top 7 accomplishments in 2024: 1. Media. Via 200+...
Getting what we work for
In life, we might not get what we wish for, but we will definitely get what we work for.
I wished to be and worked hard to become your APC Board Chair. But the plan was for that to happen in 2025. Yet here I find myself, one month into 2024, taking the reins from my colleague Tenille Davis, who started work yesterday as APC’s chief advocacy officer.
That’s why I’m practically jumping for joy, and you should be, too—not about me becoming board chair, but about Tenille joining our APC staff team. She brings the number of pharmacists on our staff to three, and her extensive experience and expertise in non-sterile and sterile compounding certainly bring depth to our team. My hat is off to Tenille and our CEO Scott Brunner for the conversations and creative thinking that led to this outcome.
But I don’t mean to make light of my earlier-than-planned board chair role. I love our profession and I love APC and I’m happy to bring my leadership abilities to this role.
We are an organization with a 34-year tradition of capable leaders and leadership. As I begin in this role, I want to recognize and express appreciation to the men and women who have preceded me and worked hard for you. It’s their efforts—and those of the passionate board and committee members with whom they served—that have brought us to this place.
We begin 2024 with big challenges, yes, but we’re also at a place of big opportunities. Over the next several weeks, I hope to discuss some of these in this column, so please keep reading, okay?
Here’s another quote I like, from President Dwight Eisenhower: "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."
I’d say we’ve got the planning and the hard work down pat. Now we execute and adjust as needed. With your partnership and support, we’ll get what we’re working for.
– Joe
P.S. As you’ll see below, you only have a couple more weeks to take advantage of early-bird registration rates for APC’s Compounding Pharmacy Owner Summit, set for April 4-6 in beautiful La Jolla, Calif. Thirty presenters, two dozen fast-paced sessions focused on your business, and the promise you’ll come away with ideas and solutions that you can take home and implement immediately. REGISTER HERE.
Joseph P. Navarra, RPh, FACA, FAPC is the owner of Town Total Compounding Center in Woodbury, New York. You can reach him at