The latest in APC’s suite of briefing documents for prescribers is available. It’s titled "Compounding for Racehorses: An Overview for Veterinarians," and it summarizes regulation governing the use of compounded medications for racehorses.
Horseracing is a tightly regulated sport and has specific rules and regulations regarding the use of drugs in horses. The new anti-doping and medication control program launched by the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority in March 2023 addresses the use of banned and non-approved substances in horseracing. However—contrary to persistent rumor—compounded medications are not prohibited under the program.
The HISA rule—and our prescriber brief—emphasizes that veterinarians can continue to rely on compounding pharmacies to provide medications for their racehorses provided compounding pharmacies comply with the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) and FDA GFI #256 (Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substances).
APC’s prescriber briefs are a members-only resource. You’ll need your APC login and password to access them.