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Missed our GFI 256 compliance webinar? Now watch it on-demand

Written by Andrew | Thu., April 6, 2023

GFI 256 enforcement began April 1. Is your veterinary compounding operation compliant?

Find out what you need to know by purchasing access to the recent GFI 256 compliance webinar, sponsored by APC and PCCA. It’s now available on-demand until June 15 for $25 (no CE credit).

The webinar features AJ Day and Matt Martin, who walk through the legal framework and requirements contained in the new veterinary compounding GFI. During the program, the speakers:

  • Identify the parameters for compounding patient specific animal medications in GFI 256.

  • Illustrate how to differentiate a compounded animal medication from a copy of a manufactured drug product.

  • Analyze situations when compounding from a manufactured drug product can produce an unacceptable final compounded preparation.

  • Review the criteria for compounding for office stock and how drugs can become eligible for FDA's list related to this.

Register to watch the webinar: https://cvent.me/WnmN9W

Cost: A $25 requested donation (to benefit APC)

Note: Registration ends on June 15; webinar access closes on June 22. Upon registration, you will receive an email with a link to watch the video and download the presentation handout. The webinar is open to all compounders; however, there is no CE credit offered for the recorded version.