APC News Feed | Stay Updated on Pharmacy Compounding

Explain yourself to prescribers

Written by Andrew | Fri., March 17, 2023

Let’s face it, prescribers don’t always understand compounding. Some seem to think you’re concocting potions in a caldron out in the woods. Others press you to prepare formulations that are well outside the regulations for your profession. 

The Prescriber Briefings developed by APC and the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation are excellent resources for educating prescribers about pharmacy compounding—including laws, guidance, and standards you must adhere to.

Best of all, you can brand them with your pharmacy name and logo. Topics in the series so far:

  • The regulatory framework of pharmacy compounding
  • Compounding Peptides: It’s Complicated
  • Compounding and the Wet Signatures Act
  • NEW: GFI 256 and Documenting Medical Rationale

And remember: These are member-only tools, so you’ll need your APC login to access them.