APC News Feed | Stay Updated on Pharmacy Compounding

Looking for ways to save $$ on credit card processing?

Written by Andrew | Fri., July 1, 2022

For the past several months, APC has been working with a national consulting firm, CMSPI, to assess the viability of creating a group purchasing arrangement for our Pharmacy/Facility Members on credit card processing fees.

To cut to the chase: We think there’s potential to save you as much as 75% on credit card fees, and we’re hosting a FREE VIRTUAL BRIEFING on July 21 to tell you about it.

But we need to make sure you’re interested and potentially willing to commit to such a deal, which could save your pharmacy or facility well more than what you’d pay APC in PFM dues.

Our 30-minute briefing call is set for Thursday, July 21 at 2:00pm ET. It’s free to attend, but you need to register here: a4pc.org/creditcardfees.