On Thursday, an APC workgroup continued a dialogue begun by the Board of Directors in November with chief of the Pharmacy Operations Division at the Defense Health Agency
From APC’s invitation letter to Col. Gmehlin:
There is no avoiding the truth that some pharmacy compounders engaged in TRICARE billing irregularities over the past decade and that our profession has earned a black eye because of those unethical practices. The reason for our interest in an ongoing dialogue with you and your team is to demonstrate our commitment to ethics and professionalism in pharmacy compounding by working with you to develop best practices and implement training to prevent those abuses going forward. We understand that until our industry can demonstrate high integrity in billing practices, TRICARE is unlikely to embrace compounded therapies for servicemembers, despite the positive patient outcomes they can produce and how cost effective they are.
On this week’s call, workgroup members presented the following rough plan of work to TRICARE leaders and asked that this plan be the focus of an ongoing dialogue with the agency:
TRICARE leaders were receptive to the plan and committed to a monthly conversation with APC’s workgroup.