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40 associations sign letter supporting HR 3662

Written by Andrew | Thu., August 26, 2021

Thanks to shepherding by APC and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, 40 state and national pharmacy associations have signed a joint letter (https://fllw.me/3DfHcVr) to congressmen Morgan Griffith and Henry Cuellar in support of HR3662, the bipartisan urgent-access and shortage drug bill that the two representatives are sponsoring.

A big thank-you to all our partners in the effort to pass this bill. We expect that Reps. Cuellar and Griffith will be able to use this letter to help encourage their colleagues to cosponsor the legislation.

You can help! Take five minutes to call or email your member of Congress and ask them to cosponsor HR3662, the "Patient Access to Urgent-Use Pharmacy Compounding Act," to protect Americans' access to critical medication! (And if your state pharmacy association is one that signed on to our letter, please thank them.)