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CALL TO ACTION: Urge Congress to co-sign the letter to FDA

Several states have already said they're unable to sign the MOU due to their existing laws — or simply because it requires legislative action that can't happen in time.

That's why Reps. Henry Cuellar and Neal Dunn are asking fellow congressmen and -women to sign their letter — a letter to be sent to FDA requesting a delay in the MOU's implementation. Read the letter yourself here.

The CALL TO ACTION: We must get our representatives to add their names to that letter. Send an email. Make a phone call. Visit the district office. Do whatever it takes to get the message out and a signature on the letter.

THE LETTER CLOSES FRIDAY THE 25TH, so we have ONE WEEK to get those co-signers. Don't wait! Right now, make that call or send that email. It takes five minutes, tops, to say, “I’m a constituent and I’d like to ask Representative ______________ to respond to the Cuellar-Dunn letter.”

FDA has waited 24 years to implement the MOU. It can surely wait one more.