Introducing "Reading & Leveraging a Certificate of Analysis": A three-part learning series from the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding.
Ask any competent compounder and they’ll tell you: The certificate of analysis matters — and your ability to correctly read one, and leverage it in producing compounded medications, is key to delivering a product that is not just safe, but precisely prepared for your patients’ specific needs.
Get it wrong, and you don’t just waste ingredients — you may be putting your patients at risk. This three-part series from APC is designed for compounding pharmacy teams, to polish their skillset, grow their expertise, and keep them compliant with the Compounder’s Code of Ethics.
It’s such an important topic that we’re providing a special $99 rate for pharmacists, $69 for technicians — that includes all three sessions.
June 22; 2:00–3:00pm EDT
Presenter: Dr. Tom Kupiec, ARL Bio Pharma; Oklahoma City, OK
July 13; 2:00–3:00pm EDT
Presenter: Anthony Campbell, PharmD, BCSCP, Wells Pharmacy Network; Ocala, Florida
August 10; 2:00–3:00pm EDT
Presenter: Anthony Grzib, RPh, Wedgewood Pharmacy; Swedesboro, NJ
All three courses are only $99 for pharmacists and $69 for technicians!