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BRIEFING FOR OWNERS: The MOU, reporting shipments, and you

Written by Andrew | Fri., April 23, 2021

We reported to you last week that we've asked FDA for a postponement of the enforcement deadline for the MOU on interstate shipments of compounded medication (see "Short Takes" below if you missed that bit in last week's Compounding Connections), but for now, October 26, 2021 is the deadline for states to sign.

If your state does sign, there’s the question of how reporting of inordinate shipments will be handled by your state board of pharmacy — and what may be required of you.

So APC is offering a free one-hour, members-only webinar briefing for owners: "NABP’s Data Collection Tool for MOU Compliance: What Will It Mean for You?" on May 6, 2021 at 3:00pm EDT. You'll hear from NABP staff about the information sharing network they’re creating to facilitate that reporting, and how your pharmacy will access it.

It's free, but registration is required. Click here to sign up.