APC Board Chair-Elect Anthony Grzib spoke on behalf of APC during the open comment period of the...
APC on the road
Down at the AMMG conference in Miami, CEO Scott Brunner and Director of Membership Drew Floyd were spreading the word to prescribers about the threat to compounded hormones — and convincing them of the need to invest in our cBHT media campaign. (We're still about $600,000 short of the funds we'll need to launch that campaign!)
Scott and Drew had a chance to connect with IACP past president (and continuing fan) Ray Moreno and staff. Ray's Universal Arts Compounding Pharmacy happened to be in the booth across the aisle. (That's Ray on the right, with Scott next to him. Drew, being a vampire, does not show up in photographs.)
Other APC members exhibiting at the AMMG meeting include Belmar, College Pharmacy, Medquest Pharmacy, University Compounding, and Wells Pharmacy.