APC News Feed | Stay Updated on Pharmacy Compounding

Thursday Briefing Call: ESI/TRICARE Clawbacks

Written by Andrew | Wed., June 10, 2020

What we know, what you can do

Many compounders recently have received a recoupment notice from ESI regarding TRICARE/CHAMPUS compounded prescriptions. (ESI is alleging that the prescriptions are fraudulent because there is no physician/patient relationship indicated.)

Join APC tomorrow for an important briefing on the issue, including suggestions for addressing it with ESI.

Thursday, June 11, 2020
5:00 PM EDT

With guests
Jeff Baird and Brad Howard of Brown and Fortunato and Ronna Hauser of NCPA

Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84210095411
Or call in with one tap mobile: +13126266799,,84210095411#
Meeting ID: 842 1009 5411