APC News Feed | Stay Updated on Pharmacy Compounding

Yes, we know about the NPR story

Written by Allie Jo Shipman | Tue., July 16, 2024

Several members have contacted us about a story that ran on NPR’s Morning Edition about a pharmacy in Texas that compounded the chemical used for lethal injections. In the story, Bianca Tylek, executive director of a nonprofit that advocates against exploitation of prisoners, took the opportunity to attack compounding pharmacies in general with several unfounded and frankly inflammatory comments that went unquestioned by the host.

As with other media, APC is reaching out to NPR to provide a more accurate and nuanced picture of pharmacy compounding. In particular, explaining that the reason states are turning to compounding pharmacies is because the manufacturers of the FDA-approved drugs used in lethal injections refuse to sell to states for lethal injection. If the states could get the drugs from the manufacturers, they would, but they can’t. As awful as the situation is, states then turn to pharmacies that have expertise in preparing drugs. That’s a compounding pharmacy.

We also have an official statement on compounding drugs to be used in executions. Read it here