Are you a pharmacist or technician committed to patient care through quality pharmacy compounding and the highest ethical and professional standards? If so, you should apply to be an APC Fellow.
Erin Michael—pharmacy technician, APC board member, and director of member engagement for PCCA—had this to say about being an APC Fellow:
“I chose to acquire the APC fellowship because of its unparalleled reputation for fostering innovation and excellence in compounding pharmacy. The program offers a unique blend of mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities that have significantly enhanced my professional growth and opened doors to exciting collaborations. I highly recommend the APC fellowship to anyone who has a passion for advancing our profession and seeking to push the boundaries of their expertise to make meaningful contributions in the compounding pharmacy industry.”
The deadline to apply for 2024 induction is March 31, so review the available information and start your application now. The induction will take place at APC’s Compounders on Capitol Hill event in September. And by the way, we’ve updated the application, so if you started one last year and didn’t submit it, make sure you’re using the new form.