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Got BOP emails? Share, please.

Written by Allie Jo Shipman | Fri., December 8, 2023

Admitting you have a problem is the first step, they say. Well APC has a problem, and we’re looking for you to help us solve it. Pretty simple really: We’re having a beast of a time getting correct email addresses for state board of pharmacy members – and even, in some instances, the executive director, too. It’s not for lack of trying, but many state boards will only share a public, catch-all email address with us. What that tends to mean is that when we want to share info and perspective with state boards of pharmacy, our emails often don’t make it to the director or – even less often – to the board members. So here’s the ask: If you have correct direct email addresses for your board members or director, will you share them with us? Send to savannah@a4pc.org.